Pheasant Symbolism & Meaning

Pheasants originated in China and East Asia, but found homes in many parts of the world, including North America. The male of the species is a colorful fellow with a green head, red face, and white rings all down his neck. With all those looks, it’s no surprise Mr. Pheasant has a harem of 7-10 ladies following him around during the mating season. So you can associate the male Pheasant with flirtation, fertility, colorfulness, and comeliness.

Males create a territory for themselves and their harem. He will defend it against any rivals. What he does NOT do, however, is help with incubating eggs. Apparently, the task is women’s work in the Pheasant world.

Pheasant Symbolism & Meaning

Pheasants are “ok” fliers, launching themselves in times of fear but only for a short distance. Their take-off is noisy, followed by a landing. Afterward, the Pheasants of both genders run for cover. No matter how gorgeous the bird, predators can rip everything apart. Since Pheasant enjoys being on the ground eating berries, seeds, and grains the bird has associations with both the Air and Earth element.

In their role as symbols of the Air Element, you can turn your thoughts to the energies of dreams, higher awareness, and personal aspiration. But the best-laid plans for anyone include a cornerstone. Here is where Earth’s grounding comes into play.

Keen eyesight and hearing come to bear with Pheasants, correlating spiritually with Clairvoyance and Clairaudience. Both attributes are essential to Pheasant’s survival. They help them detect danger and either dart at 10 mph, fly at 35 mph, or even swim! These combine for a powerful kit for continuance and durability.

Speaking of durable, Pheasants can live without food for several days. Physical abilities like his sustain the birds in cold weather months since Pheasants do not migrate. They dig down into their roost and stay put, content at home.

Pheasant Spirit Animal

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Encounters with Pheasant Spirit Animal leads to a sense of openness in your life. You’re encouraged to remain open to fresh experiences and people. You find yourself thirsty for a sense of space where you can open your wings. Pheasant is here as a guide who maneuvers you through this time.

If you have doubted your skills, Pheasant is here to tell you-enough of insecurities! You can make things happen. You have the wits and know-how. The key here is putting passion into the equation, and forging forward with courage wrapped around your waist. As you celebrate your new-found security, Pheasant encourages you to praise the talents of others (be their Pheasant!).

Another worry to which the Pheasant Spirit Animal responds is the safety of people you love. Danger lurks everywhere, but don’t go looking for trouble. You can be on the watch by extending your sense for warning signs, something for which offers aid. However, Pheasant balances this with the counsel of staying away from too much hovering out of fear. Such an approach rarely ends well.

Pheasant Totem Animal

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Individuals with the Pheasant Totem Animal are inventive. They’re able to put creativity through work thanks to productive energy and channeling their passions. They’re in love with loveliness- the more color the better.

If Pheasant is your Birth Totem, you know when to speak and when to stay silent with no tutoring. You know when to pull out your razzle-dazzle, and when the situation requires a more subdued, professional approach.

You realize the importance of first impressions, but try to balance the craving for flash with substance. Being true to yourself matters. You strive to think about, judge, weigh and decide upon a decision.

The Power of Attraction is vibrant in your life. If you stick to your guns, you can draw the energies you most want and need into your life using your will. Good judgment plays a role here, you know how to measure things out and invest your body, mind, and/or spirit accordingly.

Working with Pheasant vibrations brings out a lot of raw sexuality. You love teasing and pleasing. So much so, you may have several partners at the same time and keeping them all happy! Take your vitamins. One caution here is knowing people fall for you easily. Don’t use your sensuality as a manipulative tool. The rewards are much greater when your catch has wit and attractiveness and confidence in both.

Many with the Pheasant Totem aren’t comfortable in small spaces. Crowds without breathing room create all kinds of anxiety. You’d rather meet new people in smaller, more intimate settings where everyone can spread their wings and be themselves.

In every corner of your world, you want a touch of vibrant color. Anything dull won’t do. Wherever a chance for creativity comes to play, you’re all in with wonderful results.

Pheasant Power Animal

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Look to your inner Pheasant Power Animal when everything you see appears dull and drab. Your sparkling vision seems muted. The Pheasant Power Animal returns a rainbow of beauty into your life. It reminds you to take a breather too. Stop focusing so much on BIG missions that you overlook the small miracles every day.

When you feel yourself pulling back on your shining talents, seek your Pheasant Power Animal. You have gifts for a reason. The Universe doesn’t grant sparkling spiritual aptitudes on everyone willy-nilly. Just use wisdom. You don’t have to fly the flag for everyone-only the right people.

When you struggle with being open to new experiences, Pheasant is a great Animal Ally. As you go down the road, stay true to yourself. Show off your feathers. Take a chance.

Pheasant Dreams

Dreaming of Pheasant may represent self-nurturing. Look to see if the Pheasant holds its feathers close as if hugging. You find comfort. Something you’ve given “motherly” love to is manifesting. Everyone around you will share in this wonderful moment.

A Pheasant in flight means you can launch your ideas, revolutionize your lifestyle, and approach life in a whole new way.

Seeing a dead Pheasant in your dream means your creative spark is dying. Find a way to rekindle it.

The image of a person killing a pheasant has associations with blockages in creative thinking.
When the Pheasant in your dream is pecking along the soil in a field, it acts as a counsel to stay grounded. Keep a balance between your heart and your head. A new relationship blossoms, but tread slowly.

If the Pheasant in your dream crosses before you left to right, ambitions you desire are becoming real. You’ve worked hard, but don’t rush it. Stand back and watch as it unfolds.
Numerous Pheasants in your dream symbolize plenty, providence, and prosperity.

Pheasant in Astrology & Zodiac Signs

In Asian Astrology, the Pheasant has associations with the White Tiger of Autumn and the Zodiac sign of the Rooster.

Far Eastern Pheasant Symbolic Meanings

Japanese stories portray Pheasant as a messenger for Amaterasu, the glorious Sun Goddess. In Shinto tradition, she rules the heavens and made the Pheasant. The Animal Visage symbolizes power, promises, and abundance to come. They can be emblems of foreknowledge and protection too, as they’re believed to predict earthquakes.

In China, there is a mythological creature, the Fenghuang, who had the head of a Golden Pheasant, the back of a tortoise, the neck of a snake and the tail of a peacock. The Fenghuang’s head proudly raises itself in the sky with eyes blazing like the sun. It carries sacred scrolls and only appears in places known for virtue, grace, happiness, and true peace.

Pheasant Symbolic Meanings Key

  • Abundance
  • Creativity
  • Distinctiveness
  • Fertility
  • Flirtation
  • Gifts / Talents
  • Grounding
  • Law of Attraction
  • Providence
  • Sexuality / Passionate

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