One Way To Cleanse Crystals – by Lady Victoria Silver Sage

A student of mine asked me why we should cleanse crystals that we find or purchase, or have been given to us, and that’s an excellent question. I’ll answer that question, to start with by saying, that it’s imperative that we cleanse our crystals:

#1 – to actually get rid of the dirt that may be encrusted in or on them

#2 – to remove the energy that might have been imprinted into or upon them by humans, and or negative energies and or negative entities

#3 – as one way to bond spiritually and or physically with the crystal

One way to cleanse your new crystals is by running cool water over them as they sit in a glass bowl. After they’ve soaked for a while, use your fingers to clean off any chunks of dirt or debris. Then, take a toothbrush that from now on you’ll only use for cleaning your crystals and stones, and brush gently, cleaning within the small crevices to remove anything that shouldn’t be there. You might chant something over them such as, “All dirt and debris, I now remove from thee, clean you are now. So Now It Be!” Then dry with a soft, clean cloth.

You can find this information is found on page 253 in the book called, “A Compendium of Witch-Crafting & Successful Magickal Living, available on Amazon).

Available on Amazon

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